The study of the Earth is an inherently multi- and interdisciplinary endeavour and we encourage our students to choose courses to aid them in their research accordingly. Besides the courses offered by the Seismology Group there are many courses offered by different research groups in the department, as well as in other departments that can be of great use.

For courses in the department of Earth and Planetary Sciences go here. For courses in other departments within the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, go here. Students may also take courses at MIT. For their course list go here. The courses taught by our research group are listed below.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 7. Introduction to Geological Sciences
Sujoy Mukhopadhyay and Miaki Ishii
A course designed for concentrators but also appropriate for non-concentrators who desire a broad introduction to Earth science. Evolution of the Earth with an emphasis on the processes that have shaped our planet. The theory of plate tectonics is used to explain the occurrence and distribution of earthquakes, volcanoes and mountains. Labs and the weekend field trips familiarize students with rock types, geological features, and illustrate how geologists infer processes from the rock record.
Note: Also appropriate for non-EPS concentrators who desire a comprehensive introduction to Earth science. This course, when taken for a letter grade, meets the General Education requirement for Science of the Physical Universe or the Core area requirement for Science A.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 100. The Missing Matlab Course: An Introduction to Programming and Data Analysis
Brendan J. Meade and Miaki Ishii
An overview of modern computational tools with applications to the Earth Sciences. Introduction to the MATLAB programming and visualization environment. Topics include: statistical and time series analysis, visualization of two- and three-dimensional data sets, tools for solving linear/differential equations, parameter estimation methods. Labs emphasize applications of the methods and tools to a wide range of data in Earth Sciences.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 166. Introduction to Seismology
Miaki Ishii
An overview of the basic observations and methods of seismology. Earthquake detection, geometry, characteristics and relation to tectonics. Seismic stations and different types of data (body waves, surface waves, and normal modes). One-dimensional and three-dimensional structures of the Earth as inferred from seismology and implications for composition and dynamics. Seismic methods used in oil/gas exploration and environmental geophysics.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 204. Global Seismology
Miaki Ishii
Fundamental concepts used in seismology as a tool in studying the Earth’s deep interior. Topics include stress/strain/elasticity theory, the seismic wave equation, ray theory, surface waves and normal modes, source theory, and inverse methods.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 260. Topics in Geophysics
Richard J. O’Connell and Miaki Ishii
Research seminar on current important problems on the state and processes of the solid Earth. Topics may include mantle structure and geochemistry, the core-mantle boundary, the continental lithosphere.
Note: This course is coordinated with a research course at MIT.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 368. Seismology
Miaki Ishii
This is a reading and research course the topic of which will be decided in coordination with the professor.

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences / Harvard University / 20 Oxford Street / Cambridge / MA 02138 / U.S.A. / Telephone: +1 617 495 2350 / Fax: +1 617 496 1907 / Email: